Vertigo and Disequilibrium

Af: Peter C. Weber
780,00 kr
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This is a highly practical reference for diagnosing and managing some of the most common complaints in the otolaryngology patient-vertigo, disequilibrium, and dizziness. This carefully organized reference begins by presenting descriptions of time-tested examination techniques, laboratory tests, and the imaging studies necessary for an accurate diagnosis. The book then addresses the various diseases causing these complaints, including Meniere's disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, labyrinthitis, migraine-induced vestibulopathy, and more, with concise explanations of medical, surgical, and therapeutic treatment options available. An accompanying DVD features high-quality videos of key examination tests, such as ENG, Hallpike positioning, and Epley's maneuver. The videos document the numerous nystagmus patterns caused by various central Pathologys and peripheral vestibulopathies, providing an exceptional tool for learning how to recognize eye movements to confirm a diagnosis. Features: A full review of anatomy and physiology provides the essential framework for the clinical examination and comprehension of disease processes Broad discussion of the multifactorial etiologies of dizziness provides a conceptual basis for diagnosis and determining best course of treatment A valuable appendix with sample questions for taking a thorough patient history aids the assessment of the severity of symptoms Vertigo and Disequilibrium: A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Management is an essential resource for all otolaryngologists, neurologists, vestibular therapists, residents, and physicians treating patients with dizziness. This is a must-read for practitioners, especially those caring for elderly patients with dizziness.
Undertitel A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Management
Forfatter Peter C. Weber
Forlag Thieme Medical Publishers
Thema koder Otorinolaryngologi
Varegruppe Medicin, Sundhed og Sygdom
Ekspedition SVB
Udgivelsesdato 22. maj 2008
Sideantal 200
Bredde 0
Højde 0
Dybde 0
Vægt 0
Første udgave 2008
Oplagsdato 22. maj 2008
Oplag 0
Udgave 0
ISBN-13 9781588906168
ISBN-10 1588906167
EAN 9781588906168
Sprog Engelsk
Orignalsprog Sproget kan ikke bestemmes
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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