Atlas of Neurofunctions. Zus.-Arb.: Hans-Joachim Kretschmann

Af: Hans-Joachim Kretchmann
816,25 kr
Desværre udsolgt fra forlaget.
This full-color digital atlas brings together the most accurate images of functional neuroanatomy available today. It represents an important new tool for correlating functional structures with clinical and radiologic findings, as well as for improving understanding and diagnosis of neurofunctional disorders. Written by recognized specialists in neurology and neuroanatomy, the digital atlas covers all major neurofunctional systems (medial lemniscus, auditory, visual, motor, and limbic), and allows all structures and systems to be viewed in true 3D in an unlimited number of perspectives (special viewing glasses provided). 1. udgave.
Forfatter Hans-Joachim Kretchmann
Forlag Thieme Medical Publishers
Varegruppe Medicin, Sundhed og Sygdom
Ekspedition SVB
Udgivelsesdato 15. okt. 1998
Sideantal 0
Bredde 0
Højde 0
Dybde 0
Vægt 0
Første udgave 1998
Oplagsdato 15. okt. 1998
Oplag 0
Udgave 1
ISBN-13 9783131152817
ISBN-10 3131152818
EAN 9783131152817
Sprog Engelsk
Orignalsprog Sproget kan ikke bestemmes
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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