Diseases of the Chest

Af: Toshiharu Matsushima
407,50 kr
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A new and unique approach to evaluating chest radiographs This book takes a unique approach to diagnostic imaging of the chest. Rather than simply providing examples of image findings in respiratory diseases, a link is drawn between types of pathology and the kinds of patterns that are elicited in the radiologic images. In a cooperative effort between specialists in radiology, respiratory medicine, and oncology, a logical and comprehensive classification of the patterns that may appear in images, caused by underlying pathology, is presented in 20 types of patterns. Based on this classification, creating a differential diagnosis is simplified, and made more efficient. Highly illustrated and with only a minimum of necessary text, classes of findings such as "increased radiolucency" or "alveolar shadow: atelectasis" are used to orient the user toward the underlying medical problem. Tables help to organize the basic findings so as to be able to arrive at a differential diagnosis confidently. While the emphasis is on the chest X-ray, a strong supporting role is played by appropriate CT images, drawings, and photographs of pathologic specimens. Even the index to this book is unique, making reference primarily not to topics, but to the types of images, whether radiograph, CT, or pathologic specimen.
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