Education spillovers within the workplace

Af: Kristian Hedeager Bentsen, Jakob Roland Munch, Georg Schaur
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Education policies depend in part on the presence of externalities, but very little evidence exists to confirm the existence of such externalities. In this paper we investigate if there are spillover effects from education within peer groups at the workplace. We estimate the effect of increasing the share of higher educated workers in close peer groups on wages, using a rich data source linking workers to workplaces and specific occupations. Our empirical approach accounts for the endogenous sorting of workers into peer groups and workplaces, and at the same time avoids the reflection problem which is a challenge for analyses of peer effects. In our main specification we find statistically significant but economically small peer effects across all occupations. The magnitude of the effect differs across length and type of education, as well as across occupations and peer group- and workplace size.
Forfatter Kristian Hedeager Bentsen, Jakob Roland Munch, Georg Schaur
Forlag Rockwool Foundation Research Unit
Thema koder Uddannelsesstrategier og uddannelsespolitik
Varegruppe Samfund, div.
Ekspedition SDUF
Udgivelsesdato 1. feb. 2018
Sideantal 27
Bredde 0
Højde 0
Dybde 0
Vægt 0
Første udgave 2018
Oplagsdato 1. feb. 2018
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
Serie Study paper
ISBN-13 9788740831405
ISBN-10 874083140X
EAN 9788740831405
Sprog Engelsk
Orignalsprog Engelsk
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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