The Matlab Syntax

Af: Anders Skajaa, Jakob Heide Jørgensen
198,75 kr
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Matlab (MATrix LABoratory) is one of the most widely used programming environments for numerical computations and simulations in the technical sciences. The reason is that Matlab makes it easy to get started as well as to construct advanced programs.

This book is a practical guide to understanding and using Matlab. It works as a quick reference for anyone who is starting to use Matlab for example while enrolled in university studies.

For this reason, the book is limited to covering what is typically used by a university student and is designed as a reference of the syntax including plenty of examples.

While the primary audience of the book is university students, it is well suited for anyone who wants to become acquainted with Matlab.
Undertitel explore the syntax
Forfatter Anders Skajaa, Jakob Heide Jørgensen
Forlag Polyteknisk Forlag
Indbinding Hæftet
Thema koder Programmeringsteknikker
Varegruppe Skole- og lærebøger, div.
Ekspedition EXT
Udgivelsesdato 9. sep. 2012
Sideantal 169
Bredde 0
Højde 0
Dybde 0
Vægt 0
Første udgave 2012
Oplagsdato 9. sep. 2012
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
Serie Explore the syntax
ISBN-13 9788750210467
ISBN-10 8750210467
EAN 9788750210467
Sprog dan
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Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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