The Skaergaard Intrusion

Af: Kent Brooks
137,50 kr
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The Skaergaard instrusion, Kangerlussuaq, East Greenland is one of the most famous geological localities in the world, certainly the most thoroughly researced igneous intrusion. Since The memoir of Wager and Deer in 1939 it has played a key role in petrological thinking, being a type example of the closed system differentiation of the ferro-basaltic magma. Skaergraad's differentiation trend has also figured prominently in the so-called "granite controversy" as to how granites arise as it thought to refute the idea that granites are differentiation products of basaltic magmas (but see a reversal to this idea by Hunter ans Sparks, 1987, who claimed that Skaergaard had indeed produced copius quantites of granitic material).
Undertitel The history of research, its environment and annotated bibliography
Forfatter Kent Brooks
Forlag Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse / GEUS
Thema koder Geologi, geomorfologi og lithosfæren
Varegruppe Naturvidenskab, div.
Ekspedition Egen
Udgivelsesdato 1. dec. 2018
Sideantal 150
Bredde 10
Højde 293
Dybde 207
Vægt 448
Første udgave 2018
Oplagsdato 1. dec. 2018
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
ISBN-13 9788778715050
ISBN-10 8778715059
EAN 9788778715050
Sprog Engelsk
Orignalsprog Engelsk
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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