How much does good data matter?

Af: Jens Bonke, Thomas Crossley, Lori Curtis
60,00 kr
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The case of resources available to children is used to determine the importance of good data. That is, do inequality measures differ when we are able to measure joint parental caring time rather than individual parental time, and to what extent does moving from quantity to time to value of time affect inequality measures? We find that better data matter in both cases implemented on information from US, UK, DK and Canada. We also find that the distribution of resources available to children is substantially more equitable in Denmark than in the other countries and that the levels are higher, no matter the measure.
Undertitel the case of resources available to children
Forfatter Jens Bonke, Thomas Crossley, Lori Curtis
Forlag University Press of Southern Denmark. Rockwool Foundation Research Unit
Thema koder Aldersgrupper: børn
Varegruppe Samfund, div.
Ekspedition SDUF
Udgivelsesdato 5. jan. 1
Sideantal 38
Bredde 0
Højde 0
Dybde 0
Vægt 0
Første udgave 2009
Oplagsdato 1. jan. 2009
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
Serie Study paper
ISBN-13 9788790199319
ISBN-10 8790199316
EAN 9788790199319
Sprog Engelsk
Orignalsprog Engelsk
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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