A Sphere in Architecture and Astronomy

Af: Rune Jakobsen
260,00 kr
This is a book about architecture and astronomy and it
combines disciplines from both fields. Astronomic objects
can provide inspiration for architecture, and the science of construction and perspective in architecture can describe
the processes that take place in the Universe.
Undertitel The Sphere - The Eye - The Dimension
Forfatter Rune Jakobsen
Forlag Books on Demand
Indbinding Paperback
Product Type paperback
Thema koder Arkitekturteori
Varegruppe Naturvidenskab, div.
Ekspedition DBK
Udgivelsesdato 28. nov. 2012
Sideantal 288
Bredde 190
Højde 270
Dybde 17
Vægt 692
Første udgave 2012
Oplagsdato 29. nov. 2012
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
ISBN-13 9788771149319
ISBN-10 8771149317
EAN 9788771149319
Sprog eng
Orignalsprog eng
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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