A Tribute to Joseph M. Lookofsky

Af: Mads Bryde Andersen & René Franz Henschel (eds.)
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This book is a tribute to Professor Joseph M. Lookofsky, honoring his work as an internationally respected scholar within the areas of private law, comparative law and private international law. 

It contains contributions from a wide range of respected scholars and colleagues from around the globe on topics like the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (the CISG), Arbitration and Private International Law. 

Joseph M. Lookofsky was born in in 1945 in New York, USA, where he studied economics (B.A. Economics, Lehigh University, 1967) and law (J.D., New York University School of Law, 1971). He became a member of the New York State Bar and started his professional career as an attorney for the United Artists Corporation, specializing in contract law and copyright law. In 1973 he married a Danish woman, Vibeke, and moved to Denmark. He then took a Danish law degree (cand.jur.) at the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law (1981) where he was later affiliated as a junior researcher. 

Joseph M. Lookofsky is a National Correspondent for The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) on the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and The United Nations Model Law on Arbitration (MAL). He is the General Secretary for the Danish Committee on Comparative Law, Titular Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé) and has been a visiting professor or lecturer at, among others, Duke University, New York University School of Law, the University of Bologna, Albert- Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the Cornell-Paris I (Sorbonne). 

Chapter 1. Commercial Morality in the CISG – How Do we Spin Good Faith? - by Camilla Baasch Andersen & Bruno Zeller 
Chapter 2. Scholarly Cultures in the U.S. and in Scandinavia – Some Observations - by Mads Bryde Andersen & Johnny Herre 
Chapter 3. Forskelle og ligheder mellem erstatning og forholdsmæssigt afslag i anledning af mangler ved fast ejendom - by Hans Henrik Edlund 
Chapter 4. CISG and the Law Applicable in International Commercial Arbitration: Remarks Focusing on Three Common Hypotheticals - by Franco Ferrari 
Chapter 5. Opting In to the CISG: Avoiding the Redline Products Problems - by Harry M. Flechtner & Ronald A. Brand 
Chapter 6. The CISG and Agreements or Binding Practice to Arbitrate - by Morten M. Fogt 
Chapter 7. The CISG rules and principles as a yardstick when determining the validity of contractual agreements limiting remedies for breach of contract: are we stretching arguments too far? - by René Franz Henschel 
Chapter 8. Proof of Jurisdiction under the Brussels I Regulation - by Ketilbjørn Hertz 
Chapter 9. Entreprenörers och säljares ansvar för s.k. utvecklingsfel - by Torgny Håstad 
Chapter 10. Erstatningens omfang ifølge CISG - by Torsten Iversen 
Chapter 11. International Insolvencies and the Classical Struggle Between the Principles of Universality and Territoriality – A Norwegian Perspective - by Berte-Elen Konow 
Chapter 12. CISG and Set-off - by Ulrich Magnus 
Chapter 13. Law(s) Applicable to Arbitration Agreements: Trends and Outlook from the Viewpoint of English Law - by Loukas Mistelis 
Chapter 14. The Rules of Notification in Inter-Nordic Sales - by Thomas Neumann 
Chapter 15. Brussels I and Arbitration - by Peter Arnt Nielsen 
Chapter 16. A Time-Limit Running Wild? Article 39(2) CISG and Domestic Limitation Periods - by Ulrich G. Schroeter 
Chapter 17. International Jurisdiction in Product Liability Suits - by Kasper Steensgaard 
Chapter 18. The Exceptions in CISG Article 2 (e) for ‘Ships’ and ‘Vessels’ – Particularly on Sales of Offshore Units and Construction of Ships and Offshore Units - by Amund Bjørager Tørum 
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