Assistance to Victims of Discriminations by Equality
Af: Bjørn Dilou Jacobsen
500,00 kr
As a recent development, EU law requires that Member States must designate specialized bodies for the promotion of equal treatment, and that these bodies must be given power to provide assistance to victims of discrimination. In response, the Member States have chosen different models for their equality bodies; however, the majority of the equality bodies have been given competence to hear and investigate complaints.
By comparing the Scandinavian equality bodies, the author calls attention to how establishing equality bodies with competence to hear and investigate complaints raises certain legal issues which may diminish the ability of these bodies to provide assistance to victims of discrimination effectively.
The author demonstrates how the majority of these issues can be overcome, with the result that equality bodies with competence to hear and investigate complaints are fully effective in meeting both the letter and the spirit of the EU law requirement.
1. Introduction
2. Method and Scope
3. The Scandinavian Equality Bodies
4. Provision of Assistance and Impartial Complaints Handling
5. Investigation of Complaints
6. Use of the EU Rules on Burden of Proof
7. Participation in Court Proceedings
8. Conclusions
9. Bibliography
Annex A: Table of Scandinavian legislation
Annex B: Table of the Scandinavian Equality Bodies
Annex C: The Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission
By comparing the Scandinavian equality bodies, the author calls attention to how establishing equality bodies with competence to hear and investigate complaints raises certain legal issues which may diminish the ability of these bodies to provide assistance to victims of discrimination effectively.
The author demonstrates how the majority of these issues can be overcome, with the result that equality bodies with competence to hear and investigate complaints are fully effective in meeting both the letter and the spirit of the EU law requirement.
1. Introduction
2. Method and Scope
3. The Scandinavian Equality Bodies
4. Provision of Assistance and Impartial Complaints Handling
5. Investigation of Complaints
6. Use of the EU Rules on Burden of Proof
7. Participation in Court Proceedings
8. Conclusions
9. Bibliography
Annex A: Table of Scandinavian legislation
Annex B: Table of the Scandinavian Equality Bodies
Annex C: The Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission
Undertitel | Bodies of the EU-Member States - a Scandinavian Perspective |
Forfatter | Bjørn Dilou Jacobsen |
Forlag | DJØF |
Indbinding | Hæftet |
Thema koder | Retsvæsen: retsinstanser og retspleje |
Varegruppe | Erhverv, div. |
Ekspedition | DBK |
Udgivelsesdato | 8. jul. 2010 |
Sideantal | 316 |
Bredde | 154 |
Højde | 230 |
Dybde | 25 |
Vægt | 541 |
Første udgave | 0 |
Oplagsdato | 8. jul. 2010 |
Oplag | 1 |
Udgave | 1 |
ISBN-13 | 9788757421569 |
ISBN-10 | 8757421560 |
EAN | 9788757421569 |
Sprog | dan |
Orignalsprog | dan |
Illustreret i farver/sh | Nej |
Undskyldningskode | 500 | ![]() |
BoghandelensVaregruppe | Erhverv, div. | ![]() |
EkspeditionsID | 1 | ![]() |
Varetype | 1 | |
Materialekode | Papir-bog | |
EANBeregnet | 9788757421569 | ![]() |
ISBN | 978-87-574-2156-9 | |
BOPISBN13 | 9788757421569 | |
Bogklubbog | ikke bogklubbog/vare. | |
Subskriptionsbog | ikke subskriptionsbog | |
Er varen til videresalg | Yes | ![]() |
Titel | Assistance to victims of discrimination by equality bodies of the EU-member states - a Scandinavian perspective | ![]() |
Varetekst | Dilou Jacobsen: Assistance to victims of discriminati. | ![]() |
Varetekst_Låst | Nej / ikke låst | |
Titel_Del_Hovedtitel | Assistance to victims of discrimination by equality bodies of the EU-member states - a Scandinavian perspective | |
Undertitel | legal issues arising from combining the function of providing assistance to victims of discrimination with the function of hearing and investigating complaints | |
BookScan-Titel | Assistance to Victims of Discriminations by Equality Bodies of the ... | |
Ombyttes | No | |
Kan returneres | No | |
Kædetitel | False | |
Forlagstekst | As a recent development, EU law requires that Member States must designate specialized bodies for the promotion of equal treatment, and that these bodies must be given power to provide assistance to victims of discrimination. In response, the Member States have chosen different models for their equality bodies; however, the majority of the equality bodies have been given competence to hear and investigate complaints. By comparing the Scandinavian equality bodies, the author calls attention to how establishing equality bodies with competence to hear and investigate complaints raises certain legal issues which may diminish the ability of these bodies to provide assistance to victims of discrimination effectively. The author demonstrates how the majority of these issues can be overcome, with the result that equality bodies with competence to hear and investigate complaints are fully effective in meeting both the letter and the spirit of the EU law requirement. Contents Preface 1. Introduction 2. Method and Scope 3. The Scandinavian Equality Bodies 4. Provision of Assistance and Impartial Complaints Handling 5. Investigation of Complaints 6. Use of the EU Rules on Burden of Proof 7. Participation in Court Proceedings 8. Conclusions 9. Bibliography Literature Annex A: Table of Scandinavian legislation Annex B: Table of the Scandinavian Equality Bodies Annex C: The Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission | ![]() |
Anden information | Med litteraturhenvisninger | |
ForlagsNavn | DJØF | ![]() |
Note om udgavens oplag | 1. oplag. 2010 | |
Forfatterefternavn | Dilou Jacobsen | ![]() |
Forfatterfornavn | Bjørn | ![]() |
Bredde | 154 | ![]() |
Dybde | 25 | ![]() |
Højde | 230 | ![]() |
Vægt | 541 | ![]() |
Indbindingsform | 12 | ![]() |
Sider | 372 | |
LandId | 131 | |
Billede | jpg | ![]() |
Sidste ændring for billede | 2010-07-12 00:00:00 | |
Decimalklasse | 34.7 | |
ThemaKode | LNAA | |
ThemaDBC | DBC | |
Hovedfaust | 2 835 724 9 | |
FørsteUdgivÅr | 2010 | |
Oplag | 1 | ![]() |
Udgave | 1 | |
ÅrForSenesteOplag | 2010 | ![]() |
ÅrForUdgave | 2010 | ![]() |
OrdreoptagelseDato | 2010-06-25 | ![]() |
Udgivelsesdato | 2010-07-08 | ![]() |
Udgivelsesland | dk | |
Hovedsprog | dan | |
SprogOriginaludgaven | dan | |
Materialet sprog | dan | |
Oprettet | 2010-06-29 | |
DagForSenesteÆndring | 2016-08-02 | |
OpdateringsDatoHovedpost | 20100818071156 | |
OprettelsesDatoHovedpost | 20100715 | |
Forlagets hjemsted | Copenhagen | ![]() |
År (fra DBC) | 2010 | |
Post status | Ny post | |
Post Type | Enkeltstående post | |
Sidetal bemærkninger | 372 sider | |
Indholdets form | Nonfiktion | |
Festskrift | ikke festskrift | |
Stor skrift | almindelig skriftstørrelse | |
Bibliografisk kategori | monografi | |
Udgivelsesstatus | Førsteudgave | |
Katalogiseringsniveau | Katalogisering, selvsyn | |
Generel materialebetegnelse | tekst - tekst | |
Specifik materialebetegnelse | xx | |
Mellemoriginalens sprog | und | |
SprogIResumeer | und | |
Sprog_I_Undertekster | und | |
Ugefortegnelse | DBF201035 | |
Udgivelsesår | 2010 |
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