JOHN CAGE and the Music of Always

Af: Paul Hillier
128,75 kr
Paul Hillier is a conductor who has written books on Arvo Pärt and Steve Reich, and has taught at the University of California and at Indiana University, Bloomington, where he was director of the Early Music Institute. He lives in Copenhagen. The "Mesostics - re and not re John Cage" are the first of their kind written by Hillier.
Undertitel 79 mesostics re and not re John Cage
Forfatter Paul Hillier
Forlag Edition Samfundet
Indbinding Hardback
Product Type hardback
Thema koder Biografier, sande fortællinger og ikkefiktiv prosa, Estland, Musikhistorie
Varegruppe Biografier & erindringer
Ekspedition DBK
Udgivelsesdato 9. jul. 2007
Sideantal 56
Bredde 148
Højde 210
Dybde 7
Vægt 203
Første udgave 2007
Oplagsdato 10. jul. 2007
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
ISBN-13 9788771452808
ISBN-10 8790056884
EAN 9788790056889
Sprog eng
Orignalsprog eng
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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