Law and Power in the Middle Ages
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Denne bog er fjerde del af serien fra Carlsberg Academy Conference, som ser nærmere på middelalderen ud fra betragtninger om den lovmæssige, politiske, sociale, kirkelige og intellektuelle historie. De samfundsmæssige faktorer afspejles i valget af emner i bogens essays, fx kongens magt og begrænsninger, magtkampene mellem politiske eliter, de sociale konsekvenser af teologiske og juridiske begreber og debatter og lovgivningens rolle i forhold til forræderi og oprør. Bogen indeholder en række regionale case-studier, der fremhæver loven som instrument til politisk magt sammen med forskellige diskussioner af den langsigtede anvendelse af retlige principper og praksis og udviklingen af social-politiske strukturer i det middelalderlige europæiske samfund. Forskere og studerende inden for middelalderlig lovgivning og retshistorie vil finde denne bog et nyttigt bidrag til diskussionen om den daværende regionale lovgivning.
Per Andersen, Mia Münster-Swendsen and Helle Vogt
The King's Power to Legislate in Twelfth and Thirteenth Century Denmark
Helle Vogt
Nobility in Court
Gerd Althoff
The Interplay Between Law, Sin and Honour - In Conflicts Between Magnates and Kings in Thirteenth Century Norway
Hans Jacob Orning
Social Ordering and the Doctrine of Free Choice - The Case of Abjuration Subpena Nubendi
Charlotte Christensen-Nugues
Twelfth Century Views of Power in Peter the Venerable's Contra Petrobrusianos end in the Canon Law
Dominique Bauer
Without Were Fightings, Within Were Fears - Pope Gregory VII, The Canons Regular of Watten and the Reform of the Church in the Diocese of Therouanne (C. 1075-C. 1100)
Brigitte Meijns
Outlawry and Ecclesiastical Power in Medieval Norway
Anne Irene Riisøy
The Conflict in the STavanger Church Around 1300 and the Intervention of Håkon Magnusson
Eldbjørg Haug
The Hauldr: Peasant or Nobleman
Jo Rune Ugulen
Power, Law, and the Administration of England in 900-1200
John G. H. Hudson
In Coronam Regiam Iniuriam: The Baron's War and the Legal Status of Rebellion 1246-1266
Matthew Strickland
Enforcing Old Laws in New Ways: Professional Lawyers and treasonin Early Fourteenth Century England and France
John Gillingham
Frustra Legis Auxilium Invocat: Receptionof a Medieval Maxism in Early Modern England and America
Bruce C. Brasington
Anselm of Canterbury's View of God's Law in England: Definitions, Political application, and Philosophical Implications
Sally N. Vaughn
Reflections on the Insertion of Bureaucratic Structures in Medieval Clientelic Societies
Michael H. Gelting
Per Andersen, Mia Münster-Swendsen and Helle Vogt
The King's Power to Legislate in Twelfth and Thirteenth Century Denmark
Helle Vogt
Nobility in Court
Gerd Althoff
The Interplay Between Law, Sin and Honour - In Conflicts Between Magnates and Kings in Thirteenth Century Norway
Hans Jacob Orning
Social Ordering and the Doctrine of Free Choice - The Case of Abjuration Subpena Nubendi
Charlotte Christensen-Nugues
Twelfth Century Views of Power in Peter the Venerable's Contra Petrobrusianos end in the Canon Law
Dominique Bauer
Without Were Fightings, Within Were Fears - Pope Gregory VII, The Canons Regular of Watten and the Reform of the Church in the Diocese of Therouanne (C. 1075-C. 1100)
Brigitte Meijns
Outlawry and Ecclesiastical Power in Medieval Norway
Anne Irene Riisøy
The Conflict in the STavanger Church Around 1300 and the Intervention of Håkon Magnusson
Eldbjørg Haug
The Hauldr: Peasant or Nobleman
Jo Rune Ugulen
Power, Law, and the Administration of England in 900-1200
John G. H. Hudson
In Coronam Regiam Iniuriam: The Baron's War and the Legal Status of Rebellion 1246-1266
Matthew Strickland
Enforcing Old Laws in New Ways: Professional Lawyers and treasonin Early Fourteenth Century England and France
John Gillingham
Frustra Legis Auxilium Invocat: Receptionof a Medieval Maxism in Early Modern England and America
Bruce C. Brasington
Anselm of Canterbury's View of God's Law in England: Definitions, Political application, and Philosophical Implications
Sally N. Vaughn
Reflections on the Insertion of Bureaucratic Structures in Medieval Clientelic Societies
Michael H. Gelting
Undertitel | proceedings of the Fourth Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal History 2007 |
Forfatter | Per Andersen, Mia Münster-Swendsen og Helle Vogt red. |
Forlag | DJØF |
Indbinding | Hæftet |
Thema koder | Antologier: generelt, Jura, generelle emner |
Varegruppe | Erhverv, div. |
Ekspedition | DBK |
Udgivelsesdato | 5. jan. 2012 |
Sideantal | 260 |
Bredde | 155 |
Højde | 231 |
Dybde | 19 |
Vægt | 425 |
Første udgave | 2008 |
Oplagsdato | 5. jan. 2012 |
Oplag | 1 |
Udgave | 1 |
ISBN-13 | 9788757426861 |
ISBN-10 | 8757426864 |
EAN | 9788757426861 |
Sprog | eng |
Orignalsprog | afh |
Illustreret i farver/sh | Nej |