Living with Vikings
298,75 kr
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In Living With Viking Kirsten Weiss explores Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – individually and together. She focuses on humour, happiness and trust, but also on Jante’s Law, divorce and the special Nordic combination of down-to-earth common sense and excessive self-infatuation, which characterise the Nordic values, habits and identity – and can prove difficult for newcomers to navigate.
Living with Vikings is for anyone who was not born and bred in a Nordic country but lives and works there, or would just like a greater understanding of the Nordic values, habits and other shining hallmarks of the five Nordic countries.
The Danish version of the book is called Norden for nybegyndere.
Forfatter | Kirsten Weiss |
Forlag | Gyldendal Business |
Indbinding | Hæftet |
Thema koder | Erhvervsliv, virksomheder og ledelse, Kulturstudier og medievidenskab, Nordeuropa, Skandinavien |
Varegruppe | Kulturhistorie, etnografi |
Ekspedition | DBK |
Udgivelsesdato | 13. sep. 2017 |
Sideantal | 264 |
Bredde | 140 |
Højde | 211 |
Dybde | 22 |
Vægt | 403 |
Første udgave | 0 |
Oplagsdato | 13. sep. 2017 |
Oplag | 1 |
Udgave | 1 |
ISBN-13 | 9788702238075 |
ISBN-10 | 8702238075 |
EAN | 9788702238075 |
Sprog | eng |
Orignalsprog | dan |
Omslagsgrafiker | Christine Clemmensen |
Illustreret i farver/sh | Nej |