Palaeolithic Stone Artefacts from Moroccan Sahara

Af: Bouzouggar, Cordes, Simmelkiær, Vinther, Sørensen Lindelof
358,75 kr
This book presents photos of 390 palaeolithic stone artefacts collected at Stone Age sites in the Moroccan Sahara. The sites are distributed over an area of only 400 km2 and each has a description, photos of landscape and GBS coordinates. All artefacts are made of quartzite. We demonstrate that quartzite is more difficult for stone knappers than flint. The findings illustrate the returning humid periods in the palaeolithic Stone Age, which is also confirmed by our Optical Stimulated Luminescence. A complete presentation of desert stone artefacts in a local area has not earlier been presented in the literature and is of interest for archaeologists. The book begins with a summary of the origin and history of stone artefacts. The book has 390 double photos, 35 photos, 13 maps and 9 tables.
Forfatter Bouzouggar, Cordes, Simmelkiær, Vinther, Sørensen Lindelof
Forlag Books on Demand
Indbinding Paperback
Product Type paperback
Thema koder Arkæologi efter periode og region, Geologi, geomorfologi og lithosfæren, Marokko, Sten, mineraler og fossiler: for alment interesserede læsere, Western Sahara
Varegruppe Naturvidenskab, div.
Ekspedition DBK
Udgivelsesdato 24. apr. 2018
Sideantal 216
Bredde 0
Højde 0
Dybde 13
Vægt 0
Første udgave 2018
Oplagsdato 25. apr. 2018
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
ISBN-13 9788743005131
ISBN-10 8743005136
EAN 9788743005131
Sprog eng
Orignalsprog eng
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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