Undskyldningskode | 555 | |
BoghandelensVaregruppe | Erhverv, div. | |
EkspeditionsID | 1 | |
Varetype | 1 | |
Materialekode | Papir-bog | |
EANBeregnet | 9788757431575 | |
ISBN | 978-87-574-3157-5 | |
BOPISBN13 | 9788757431575 | |
Bogklubbog | ikke bogklubbog/vare. | |
Subskriptionsbog | ikke subskriptionsbog | |
Er varen til videresalg | Yes | |
Titel | Preparing for the unexpected | |
Varetekst | Preparing for the unexpected | |
Varetekst_Låst | Nej / ikke låst | |
Titel_Del_Hovedtitel | Preparing for the unexpected | |
Undertitel | design of the future global enterprise | |
Ombyttes | No | |
Kan returneres | No | |
Kædetitel | False | |
Forlagstekst | The effect of globalization on industrial activities in mature Western economies such as Denmark has been the relocation of business activities from the domestic to the global stage. This calls for an entirely new level of participation in the global division of work, and has resulted in the break-up of value-chains into smaller and more specialized links. To remain relevant to the global economy, Danish actors must carefully balance their ability to tap into global opportunities while maintaining local collaboration. This book discusses current practices of transformation as Danish companies attempt to manage the ongoing transformation of their task environments. What are the critical managerial and organizational challenges that face globally expanding Danish firms? How has globalization affected ´domestic´ business practices in Danish society? How do firms that recognize these challenges actively cope with them? The authors focus on how various actors collaborate, coordinate, and share resources at different levels within organizations that are expanding their activities internationally or are already multinational in scope. The authors identify key insights from the cases which allow them to make suggestions to what managers of contemporary international organizations should focus on when considering the future organization of activities and resources.
Indholdsoversigt Chapter 1. Preparing for the Unexpected: Design of the Future Global Enterprise - by Poul Houman Andersen & Jakob Lauring Chapter 2. Open-minded or Self-sufficient? Challenges of Exporting the Danish Management Style to Foreign Business Units - by Anders Klitmøller, Jakob Lauring and Annamaria Kubovcikova Chapter 3. Being Close at a Distance: Exploring Technological, Temporal, and Linguistic Challenges to Global Virtual Team Effectiveness - by Rikke Lindekilde & Anders Klitmøller Chapter 4. Parent Company Arrogance: Perceptions and Consequences - by Jakob Lauring, Poul Houman Andersen, Hanne Kragh & Marianne Storgaard Chapter 5. Retention of Highly Skilled Expatriates and the Danish Work-life Balance - by Jan Normann & Toke Bjerregaard Chapter 6. 'Flexpatriation': A View from the Engine Room of Sub-Suppliers in the Maritime Sector - by Mona Toft Madsen & Morten Rask Chapter 7. Translating Private Equity in Denmark: The Impact of the TDC Buy-out on the Danish Private Equity Industry - by Robson Rocha & Duncan Wigan Chapter 8. Managing Strategic Transition in an Age of Accelerating Globalization - by Poul Houman Andersen & Hanne Kragh Chapter 9. Collaboration in the Dynamic Organizing of Global Business Networks: CSR in Commons, Protocols, and Infrastructures - by Mai S. Linneberg & Poul Houman Andersen Chapter 10. Sourcing Intermediary Profiles in the Global Clothing Industry - by Chris Ellegaard & Mette Vedel Chapter 11. Models of International Entrepreneurship - by Morten Rask & Per Servais Chapter 12. Preparing for the Unexpected: Some Tentative Answers - by Hanne Kragh, Poul Houman Andersen & Jakob Lauring Author Biographies, List of Figures and List of Tables
Subject index | |
ForlagsNavn | DJØF Publishing | |
Note om udgavens oplag | 1. oplag. 2015 | |
Bibliografisk historie | 1. edition | |
Redaktion | Poul Houman Andersen, Hanne Kragh, Jacob Lauring, Mai Skjøtt Linneberg | |
Bredde | 155 | |
Dybde | 17 | |
Højde | 229 | |
Vægt | 466 | |
Indbindingsform | 12 | |
Sider | 282 | |
LandId | 131 | |
Billede | jpg | |
Sidste ændring for billede | 2015-03-12 00:00:00 | |
Decimalklasse | 60.1 | |
ThemaKode | KJ¤DNT | |
ThemaDBC | DBC | |
Hovedfaust | 5 163 773 9 | |
Oplag | 1 | |
Udgave | 1 | |
ÅrForSenesteOplag | 2015 | |
ÅrForUdgave | 2015 | |
OrdreoptagelseDato | 2015-03-12 | |
Udgivelsesdato | 2015-03-12 | |
Udgivelsesland | dk | |
Hovedsprog | eng | |
SprogOriginaludgaven | und | |
Materialet sprog | eng | |
Oprettet | 2015-03-04 | |
DagForSenesteÆndring | 2018-09-25 | |
OpdateringsDatoHovedpost | 20150324132523 | |
OprettelsesDatoHovedpost | 20150312 | |
Forlagets hjemsted | Copenhagen | |
År (fra DBC) | 2015 | |
Post status | Ny post | |
Post Type | Enkeltstående post | |
Sidetal bemærkninger | 282 sider | |
Indholdets form | Nonfiktion | |
Konference publikation | 1 | |
Festskrift | ikke festskrift | |
Stor skrift | almindelig skriftstørrelse | |
Bibliografisk kategori | samlingsværk | |
Udgivelsesstatus | Førsteudgave | |
Katalogiseringsniveau | Katalogisering, selvsyn | |
Generel materialebetegnelse | tekst - tekst | |
Specifik materialebetegnelse | xx | |
Mellemoriginalens sprog | und | |
SprogIResumeer | und | |
Sprog_Mindre_Andel | und | |
Sprog_Parallel_Tekst | und | |
Sprog_I_Undertekster | und | |
Trykkeri | Ecograf, Højbjerg | |
Faglitteratur_Niveau | Fagligt niveau | |
Ugefortegnelse | DBF201516 | |
Udgivelsesår | 2015
| |