Take a walk with me

Af: Emory Lou Thomsen
188,75 kr
Emorys digte rummer et langt levet liv. Et liv levet i to lande på to kontinenter, USA og Danmark. Emory viser i digtene en spirituel indsigt, og formidler et syn på livet der beriger os alle.

"Din styrke som lyriker er at du kan gennemspille stemninger og tanker i et ordmønster der har megen indre konsekvens og fasthed. Også at du har levet og oplevet så meget at du har rige erfaringer at skrive ud fra – og uden erfaring, menneskeliv, ingen poesi, ingen kunst. Mange af dine digte er skrevet som sange, de råber på musik."

Erik Knudsen, forfatter og digter.

The content of Emory’s poems is a long life – a life lived on two continents, in the USA and Denmark. In her poems, Emory shows us spiritual insight and conveys a view of life that enriches all of us.

"Your strength as a lyricist is that you can play through moods and thoughts in a pattern of words that has a lot of inner consequence and firmness – that you have lived through so much that you have rich experiences you can draw on in your writing. Without experiences and human life, no poetry and no art. Many of your poems are written like songs. They cry for music."

Erik Knudsen, author and poet.
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