The Human Figure in Islamic Art

Af: Kjeld von Folsach and Joachim Meyer
348,75 kr
A richly illustrated book on a subject that is rarely elucidated: The Human Figure in Islamic Art.The Human Figure in Islamic Art is the book behind the exhibition of the same name that will open at the David Collection on November 24, 2017. The book — like the exhibition — focuses on an unusually and rarely elucidated subject in the world of Islamic art: human depictions. The Human Figure in Islamic Art presents 75 important works from the David Collection, all of them focused on the human gure.The book describes how, despite this reluctance, portraying human gures has nonetheless always played an important role in Islamic art. The human gure is found on many kinds of utility ware, but the motif also has a long and rich tradition especially in miniature painting. The paintings in the book largely feature princes, but also holy men and quite ordinary people in the form of illustrations for works of ction, depictions of real-life events, and true portraits.The authors are Dr. Kjeld von Folsach, Director, and Joachim Meyer, Ph.D., Curator, from the David Collection. The book also includes an article by Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen, professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at the Univer- sity of Copenhagen, who considers the human gure in the Islamic world from a modern perspective.
Undertitel Holy Men, Princes, and Commoners
Forfatter Kjeld von Folsach and Joachim Meyer
Forlag Strandberg Publishing
Indbinding Indbundet
Thema koder Islam, Kunst og kultur: generelle emner, Kunsthistorie, Malerkunst og malerier, Mennesker afbildet i kunst, Udstillingskataloger og kunstsamlinger
Varegruppe Kunst
Ekspedition DBK
Udgivelsesdato 24. nov. 2017
Sideantal 280
Bredde 254
Højde 318
Dybde 30
Vægt 2175
Første udgave 2017
Oplagsdato 24. nov. 2017
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
ISBN-13 9788792949967
ISBN-10 8792949967
EAN 9788792949967
Sprog eng
Orignalsprog dan
Oversætter Martha Gaber Abrahamsen
Omslagsgrafiker Søren Damstedt, Trefold
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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