the In-House providing in European Law

Af: Mario Comba & Steen Treumer red.
275,00 kr
The distinction between in-house and ex-house providing is fundamental and well-known in practice and theory. It is of utmost importance as the consequence of the categorization of an arrangement as "in-house" is, that it falls outside of the scope of the EC public procurement rules. However, for various reasons it is often very difficult to establish whether an arrangement is in-house or not. The case law from the European Court of Justice on this subject-matter is highly complex whereas the case law at national level is sparse. Furthermore, the legal literature both at national and international level has been relatively limited. This book deals with in-house in a broader perspective and looks into the interpretation, implementation and practice at national level in a range of member states.

This book is the first in the new European Procurement Law Series, that hopefully will contribute to a strengthened dialogue between the various legal cultures in the field of procurement and become a well-known source of inspiration.


Foreword by the Editors of the European Procurement Law Series

The In-House Providing: The Law as It Stands in the EU
by Roberto Caranta

In-House providing - European regulations vs. national systems
by Fabrizio Cassella

"In-House" Providing in Germany
by Martin Burgi

In-House Providing in Italy: the circulation of a model
by Mario Comba

"In-House Providing" in spanish Public Procurement
by Julio González Garcia

"In-House" Providing in Polish Public Procurement Law
by Marcin Spyra

In-House Providing in Denmark
by Steen Treumer

From the indivisible Crown to Teckal: the In-House provision of works and services in the United Kingdom
by Martin Trybus

List of Authors
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