Union Citizens

Af: Jørgensen E
345,00 kr
Denne bog giver en detaljeret beskrivelse og analyse af EU-borgeres rettigheder ved kort eller permanent ophold i andre EU-lande.

Union Citizens: Free Movement and Non-discrimination provides a detailed description and analysis of the rights of Union Citizens going to another Member State of the European Community either for a short visit or for taking up residence there.

The book is divided into three parts:

Personal scope. Entry and Residence.
I.Occupational Activities.
II.Social Advantages and Other Rights.

The presentation is mainly based on the case-law of the European Court of Justice and focus on the right of entry and residence and the principle of non-discrimination. The prohibition against discrimination on grounds of nationality is dealt with in two contexts: partly regarding the right to exercise occupational activities and partly regarding entitlement to social advantages etc.

In respect of occupational activities the author examines the compatibility with Community law of national provisions laying down the conditions for the exercise of a profession or a trade. The concept of non-discrimination is analyzed and it is discussed to which extent national provisions of a non-discriminator nature may conflict with the Community provisions governing the free movement of persons.

In the part on social advantages, which also includes access to housing and education, it is considered to which extent the various categories of persons may rely on the principle of non-discrimination regarding these fields of national law.

A bibliography, an index of cases and a brief summary in Danish are included in the book.
Undertitel free movement and non-discrimination
Forfatter Jørgensen E
Forlag DJØF
Indbinding 1
Product Type 1
Varegruppe Skole- og lærebøger, div.
Ekspedition DBK
Udgivelsesdato 12. jun. 1996
Sideantal 0
Bredde 157
Højde 230
Dybde 25
Vægt 549
Første udgave 1996
Oplagsdato 12. jun. 1996
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
ISBN-13 9788757476200
ISBN-10 8757476209
EAN 9788757476200
Sprog eng
Orignalsprog dan
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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