Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes

Af: Nicholas A. Ashford, Claudia S. Miller
855,00 kr
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Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes explains how day-to-day variations in chemical exposure may cause unusual and seemingly unpredictable symptoms, including many that have been termed psychosomatic in the past. It describes how everyday, low-level chemical exposures may cause fatigue, memory impairment, headaches, mood changes, breathing difficulties, digestive problems, and a host of chronic unexplained illnesses including chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War syndrome, and sick building syndrome. The authors are the first writers to clearly describe and document the process of adaptation, a concept that provides a rational and scientific basis for understanding these symptoms. In the Second Edition of this professionally acclaimed work, the authors offer evidence for an emerging new theory of disease-toxicant - induced loss of tolerance - which may have far-reaching implications for medicine, public health, and environmental policy. Based on a report commissioned by the New Jersey Department of Health that won the World Health Organization's Macedo Award, Chemical Exposures is the most comprehensive book ever written on sensitivity to low level chemical exposure and the many health effects associated with it. This work clarifies the nature of chemical sensitivity, shows how it differs from traditional allergies and toxicity, and suggests how federal and state governments can help those who are affected. The book identifies four major groups of people with hypersensitivity to low levels of chemicals: occupants of tight buildings, industrial workers who handle chemicals, residents of communities exposed to toxic chemicals, and individuals with random and unique exposures to various chemicals. The fact that similar symptoms are being reported by members of these demographically diverse groups not only points to a serious problem, it may also contribute to a better understanding of chemical sensitivity.
Forfatter Nicholas A. Ashford, Claudia S. Miller
Forlag Wiley
Indbinding Hardback
Thema koder Folkesundhed og sygdomsforebyggelse, Forurening og trusler mod miljøet, Medicinsk toksikologi
Varegruppe Engelsk, non-fiction, div.
Ekspedition SVB
Udgivelsesdato 3. feb. 1998
Sideantal 464
Bredde 0
Højde 0
Dybde 0
Vægt 0
Første udgave 1998
Oplagsdato 3. feb. 1998
Oplag 0
Udgave 2
ISBN-13 9780471292401
ISBN-10 0471292400
EAN 9780471292401
Sprog Engelsk
Orignalsprog Sproget kan ikke bestemmes
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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