Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men

Af: Caroline Criado Perez
177,50 kr
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Winner of the Royal Society Science Book Prize 2019! You've heard all about the Gender Pay Gap... Welcome to the Gender Data Gap! Our world is largely built for and by men, in a system that can ignore half the population. This book will tell you how and why this matters. In her new book, Invisible Women, award-winning campaigner and writer Caroline Criado Perez shows us how, in a world largely built for and by men, we are systematically ignoring half the population. She exposes the gender data gap - a gap in our knowledge that is at the root of perpetual, systemic discrimination against women, and that has created a pervasive but invisible bias with a profound effect on women's lives. Caroline brings together for the first time an impressive range of case studies, stories and new research from across the world that illustrate the hidden ways in which women are excluded from the very building blocks of the world we live in, and the impact this has on their health and wellbeing. From government policy and medical research, to technology, workplaces, urban planning and the media - Invisible Women exposes the biased data that excludes women. In making the case for change, this powerful and provocative book will make you see the world anew.
Forfatter Caroline Criado Perez
Forlag Chatto & Windus
Indbinding Paperback
Thema koder Etiske dilemmaer: videnskabelige, teknologiske og medicinske udviklinger, Feminisme og feministisk teori, Kønsstudier: kvinder og piger, Politisk aktivisme, Reportager og samlinger af journalistik, Videnskabens og teknologiens påvirkning af samfundet
Varegruppe Engelsk, non-fiction, div.
Ekspedition Scanvik
Udgivelsesdato 7. mar. 2019
Sideantal 432
Bredde 0
Højde 0
Dybde 0
Vægt 0
Første udgave 2019
Oplagsdato 7. mar. 2019
Oplag 0
Udgave 0
ISBN-13 9781784742928
ISBN-10 1784742929
EAN 9781784742928
Sprog Engelsk
Orignalsprog Sproget kan ikke bestemmes
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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