Goal prioritization and commitment in public organizations

Af: Camilla Denager Staniok
60,00 kr
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Public personnel policies increasingly adapt performance management systems that focus on goal attainment making goal commitment a critical issue in contemporary public administration research. Few studies have however empirically investigated how context factors such as goal conflicts reduce or hinder goal commitment. Accordingly, this paper investigates the interplay between public managers´ goal prioritization, goal conflict and employees´ goal commitment. Multilevel data from two electronic surveys of 67 principals and 1362 teachers in secondary education show that goal conflict moderates the association between principals´ goal prioritization and teachers´ goal commitment.
Undertitel exploring the effects of goal conflict
Forfatter Camilla Denager Staniok
Forlag Rockwool Foundation Research Unit
Thema koder Danmark, Videregående skoler
Varegruppe Samfund, div.
Ekspedition SDUF
Udgivelsesdato 3. sep. 2014
Sideantal 30
Bredde 0
Højde 0
Dybde 0
Vægt 0
Første udgave 2014
Oplagsdato 3. sep. 2014
Oplag 1
Udgave 1
Serie Study paper
ISBN-13 9788793119154
ISBN-10 8793119151
EAN 9788793119154
Sprog Engelsk
Orignalsprog Sproget kan ikke bestemmes
Illustreret i farver/sh Nej
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