Environmental Law - Denmark

Af: Basse E
410,00 kr
Environmental Law - Denmark is an up-to date and readily information on the most important aspects in Danish environmental law. The intention is to give some insight into the geographical, political, social, cultural and especially the legal characteristics of Denmark. Most of the book explains the legal rules and principles as well as the general role of public authorities.

Part I covers the law of pollution control, i.e. general law and law concerning specific areas such as air, water, waste soil, noise, radiation and others. Part II concerns nature conservation and management, such as monuments and landscapes, parks and reserves, wildlife protection, agricultural resources, forest, fish resources, subsoil and minerals.

In Denmark, zoning and physical planning (land-use planning) is the most important part of nature protection. Therefore the law on such means is discussed in part III. Part IV covers liability questions - based on court praxis as well as statutory rules. The last part - Part V - addresses the remedies - the administrative as well as the judical.
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